Love & Platonic Love

Legendary love stories have survived through countless ages, recited from generation to generation during the course of thousands of years. These love stories refuse to die, and they have become a universal ideal model to exhibit the phenomena of the feeling known to us as love. They have set an architype within the web of universal consciousness exhibiting the essence of that emotion. Accounts from world cultures have shaped an identity to set an example of how the one in love should be. Romeo and Juliette, Majnoon Leila, Cleopetra & Anthony, and Antara & Abla amongst hundreds of accounts, describe an explosion of intense feelings that resulted in immortal love accounts.

This exhibition series is inspired by these accounts based on a book written by Syrian thinker and writer Sadeq AlAzem. AlAzem explores and analyses the various states of love in different chapters, shedding light on the psychological motive behind them. This artwork series is inspired by AlAzems controversial analysis that the greatness of these love stories is based on tragedy, yearning, death and heartbreak. Moreover, despite the beauty of these stories, their essence is heartrending and they have survived solely because of their tragic fate. The book explores that these love affairs and tales were a by-product of a psychosomatic state that thrives and becomes hooked on to the feeling of longing and being dispossessed from their appointed beloveds.